Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter with The Lights (or "it's not you, it's me!")

Thankful for a lack of religious and or familial obligations on Easter, I spent that rainy Sunday at Mysterious Red X with three of my old friends. After two rounds of coffee, a cookie, a trip to Uwajimaya's food court, and three (or four) trips to Shell for potato chips and beer, thirteen hours passed and an album was completed. Technically...

Not yet titled, though several hilarious options were tossed around, there's a new album by The Lights that's basically done and ready to be mastered. Alas, I don't feel like I'm done with it yet. I'm being an overprotective mother. "It's cold outside and this album ain't got no gloves on!" I can't help but be like this when I think the songs are so amazing. So I'm going to sneak off into the studio over the next couple of weeks and try to complete it to my satisfaction. I'll let you know what comes up once I get started.

Go listen to their live performance from April 11th on KEXP's Audioasis by clicking here and selecting Saturday April 11th @ 8pm. It's a pretty amazing performance, and they play all new songs from the album of which I speak.

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