Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the worst blogger in the world...

Somehow I'm going to get back into the swing of this, I swear.

Quick catch up, shall we?

The release party for The Lights new album "Failed Graves" is this Friday (Feb. 26th) at The Funhouse. The album will be available on vinyl and digital download from WANTAGE USA. Partman Parthorse opens. Oh, and I'm playing, too.

Click here are read what Hannah Levine has to say about it.

On March 4th, I'm doing my first headlining show at Neumos with Siren Sister, Exohxo, and Poland. Doors are at 7pm, so don't be late.

That afternoon, me and the band are hitting KEXP for our first in-studio performance. Tune in at noon to 90.3 FM in Seattle, or go to to stream it from wherever you are in the world.

My next album is coming along in it's modest demo form (I think we're doing at least 3 songs from it at Neumos) and I'm getting pretty excited about it. I'm also very excited to be scoring a film by indie filmmaker Steven Richter of Portland via Sao Paulo called "Center of Gravity". More to come on that as it unfolds.

Shabazz Palaces is playing Sasquatch!

In the works are new The Little Penguins (who are playing the matinee show at The Comet this Saturday, Feb 27), new THEE Satisfaction, new Coulter, and hopefully a crazy ass art project with my wonderful friend and former collaborator on SloAsions, Phil. Again, when shit starts going down, you'll be the 2nd or 3rd to know.
