Friday, July 10, 2009

A new album by The Lights is going to hit you over the head with your own arm!

Keep an eye out for what I believe is the finest musical moment of The Lights thus far. Everything I talked about in a previous post about the sound of this album has been rectified.

Now my only concern is the mastering. I'm hoping that Kramer gets the gig, but it's now in the hands of Wantage Records. Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign?

In other news, Coulter's album is starting to get some press overseas. How can I get on that boat?

From The Congleton Chronicle:

Coulter ‘Sent to Coventry’ The only one of this bunch of new releases you won’t have heard of, Coulter is pretty good in a low key way.He’s from Seattle but must know something about England because the album title is not a well-known phrase over there. He writes well crafted, gentle, atmospheric pop tunes that had strings that swell and choruses that echo.It took us a while to pin down the sound but eventually it clicked: Cosmic Rough Riders on a good day (though there are shades of Orange Juice’s “Rip it up” on the first track).First play through, you think it’s good enough to give a second spin; second time is enough for a third go and by about the fourth or fifth play through you’re hum-ming the tunes.Fans of The Smiths might liketo know that Gary Day, bassistwith the boy Morrissey, plays onthis. Out on 20th July.JMC


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